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Friday, October 28, 2011

Update 27-10-2011: vwculture on facebook...

At the moment our site is growing rapidly. That's why we have decided to expand vwculture, meaning we now too have a facebook page. I hear you thinking: So what is the additional value of a facebook page? I can give you the answer for that: we want to focus on a bigger public. Some VAG-sites a.k.a. competition, have a facebook page, so we had to keep up...

So, what can you expect from our facebook page? We will link some posts of the blog, put some photo's out of the gallery on it, and also bring you the latest news about meetings and other urgent things.

Our direct URL to the vwculture facebook page:!/pages/vwculturenl/192391624172203

We have also added a 'Like Button' on the top of our site, so you can directly like us at facebook.

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