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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Viva la Francé!

Previous weekend the VWCulture crew & friends visited the well known VWDays meeting in France, after we checked in at the hotel and unloaded the Golf we immediately went for the show. So after we bought the tickets, got some instructions from the organisation we went for the carwash and the show’n shine. To bad it was already 4 O’clock, so after a quick chat with some friends we went for the hotel, dinner and headed back to the party. After some issue’s with the guards we got in thanks to some inside contact, something we really appreciated. The atmosphere was great, People Barbequing, having a beer and just enjoying the moment.

So next day we went for the big show, another car wash, another traffic jam and a amazing meeting. The show’n shine part had some great quality cars, but there was also the campsite. Although the best cars were found at the show’n shine part, the people there were the biggest attraction. I think that people just kept Barbequing all night and day, because they were still doing it, but still great to see. Off course we took our camera with us, so check out the shots in the Gallery.

VWDays, our compliments for the service and turning out such a great show! See you next year!

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